Page name: Heavens Hell [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-03 21:04:46
Last author: Earoluim
Owner: Earoluim
# of watchers: 17
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Heavens Hell

Welcome to the war of the ages.Where there is no longer a neutral and the forces of good and evil have teamed together to stop the greatest plauge of the centuries.

The Powers of 3

In the day in age of the Modern world , ages of old and new collide.The forces that hold the earth in place are in ruin.Neutral, once the gaurdian of the powers now lays in infection.The purest of evils is the cause and effect. The powers of Good And Evil are intertwined to each other . Without one the other can not exist . They have joined forces to correct the impurity of the red.Here are the accounts of the greatest Battle of the Ages.

Now it Is time for you to decide the force you will choose to fight for.


The Power of 1
White Alliance

The Power of 2
Black Alliance

The Power of 3
Red Alliance

Ancient Power


Rouge Ships

Chapter 1

The Age

Chapter 2

Scorging of souls

Chapter 3 Begins

Capter 3: Soulforges

Battle grounds of Kar estan

Maps of Gracen

Other worlds of reach

Heavens Hell chat This is the chat page, please bring all nonsensical conversation here. Thanks.

Character Scorging:This is your character's entrance into the world.

Charcter Races:What you can and can't be.

Armory and Inventory: What you character can start with.

pre-made characters

Visit this site please.Azlyn's Fans
this sight needs visiting please .Black Is As Innocent As white

Username (or number or email):


2004-09-22 [Earoluim]: Who is sarah?

2004-09-22 [nights_mistress]: hi...i missed something.

2004-09-23 [Earoluim]: Tis ok

2004-09-23 [_Dark_Fairy_]: me too??

2004-09-23 [nights_mistress]: mwahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!4

2004-09-24 [Earoluim]: lol.k.

2004-09-24 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ? hm...

2004-09-24 [nights_mistress]: i felt like it.

2004-09-25 [Earoluim]: k then * pokes everyone *

2004-09-26 [Morganath]: sarah is cool Gunlouc i chat with her she likes to hug which is a plus.

2004-09-26 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hugging!

2004-09-26 [Morganath]: yes hugging everyone should hug man woman and beast!

2004-09-26 [_Dark_Fairy_]: hug hug.. i wanna hug till I die!

2004-09-26 [Morganath]: *hugs TarĂ­*

2004-09-26 [_Dark_Fairy_]: JEEEJ.... *hugs back*

2004-09-27 [Morganath]: thnx for hug needed it :)

2004-09-27 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ^^

2004-09-27 [Morganath]: !)

2004-09-27 [_Dark_Fairy_]: ^^

2004-09-27 [Morganath]: hope ye feel better ^^

2004-10-03 [nights_mistress]: don't even think about hugging me.personal buuble!....*twitches*

2004-10-03 [Morganath]: *hugs night_mistress then runs like hell* you needed a hug!!!

2004-10-03 [Slayer Chick]: *blink* ummmm?????

2004-10-04 [Morganath]: what????

2004-10-15 [nights_mistress]: *gives Morganath a hug* i bet u didn't see that one coming!

2004-10-17 [Morganath]: nope i didn't...............*hugs nights_mistress again*

2004-10-19 [Morganath]: kilts rule!

2004-10-22 [_Dark_Fairy_]: waaaah... and me and me!!

2004-10-23 [nights_mistress]: lol *hugs back*

2004-10-24 [Morganath]: GROUP HUG!!!!!! *grabs Fairy and Mistress and hugs em*

2004-10-25 [_Dark_Fairy_]: jeeeeej... HUG!!

2004-11-12 [nights_mistress]: *laughs*

2004-11-12 [_Dark_Fairy_]: whoehoe

2004-11-12 [nights_mistress]: ?

2004-11-12 [_Dark_Fairy_]: *I'm laughing* =P

2004-11-12 [nights_mistress]: fun laugh

2004-11-12 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =P haha

2004-11-12 [nights_mistress]: ;)

2004-11-18 [Morganath]: hehe:)

2004-11-21 [nights_mistress]: u might want to let us go know Morganath

2004-11-22 [_Dark_Fairy_]: =p he's killing me..

2004-11-22 [nights_mistress]: *twitch*

2004-12-20 [Morganath]: i can bring happieness with just my presence.

2004-12-24 [nights_mistress]: ther's an over inflated ego for you.

2004-12-25 [Morganath]: i know.....

2005-02-22 [Earoluim]: hello ok everyone take note of this. Chapter one was a test to see how this wiki can and can't operate. Now this site is going under major construction, people will be deleted and some will move up so if you still want to be a part of this wiki let me know ok.

2005-02-23 [_Dark_Fairy_]: I really want to... =) let me in..

2005-03-10 [Tails Of the Revolution]: I'd like to be part of it too, if it's possible.

2005-03-10 [Earoluim]: pick the alliance from above

2005-03-10 [Tails Of the Revolution]: is Red ok?

2005-03-10 [eyes of frost]: No! Dont pick red! Be my compainion on the black one!

2005-03-10 [eyes of frost]: PLease riva!

2005-03-10 [Tails Of the Revolution]: You made me laugh, dear. Aight, I'll be black, if there's not too many.

2005-03-10 [eyes of frost]: most of them dont post so yea!

2005-03-10 [Tails Of the Revolution]: ok... forgive me for sounding stupid, but what now [Earoluim]?

2005-03-10 [Earoluim]: go to the character scorging and copy and fill out and place in the link

2005-03-11 [Tails Of the Revolution]: allright, thank you.

2005-03-11 [Earoluim]: anytime

2005-03-12 [Acidic Khemica]: ......

2005-03-12 [Earoluim]: may I help you there. Akiratetsuo.

2005-03-12 [Acidic Khemica]: oh heh ^^'

2005-03-12 [Tails Of the Revolution]: ok, last stupid question, I swear. Link... in the scorging page?

2005-03-12 [Acidic Khemica]: ?

2005-03-13 [*~Sora~*]: come i'm always confused!?!?! *pokes Akira* looks like i'm not the only one this time though...

2005-03-13 [Acidic Khemica]: -.-

2005-03-14 [eyes of frost]: -looks at both sora and akira- why hello there chickaddies! What brings you to Heavens hell? -walks over and hugs them both to death-

2005-03-14 [Acidic Khemica]: ack!careful rachel remember im fragil^^*hugs rachel*i dont really know why im here just seems like fun

2005-03-16 [eyes of frost]: fragile my backside. Come on over to the black alliance. -smiles- ...fragile...ha! ANd I am king tut!

2005-03-16 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*isnt that one dead?i remember learning about that...and i am! wow that must mean you are king tut 00

2005-03-16 [eyes of frost]: .....oye...-grabs her hand and drags her to the black alliance- ((just click on the wiki page that says black alliance))

2005-03-16 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs and starts getting dragged*00

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *follows them* you bring me here Rachel! I read your mood ya know! *laughs at Akira*...and i'm the fragile one!

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*we both are ^^

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *nods* yep! So what are you up to? I'm trying to get ready for my choir concert tonight.....i'm nervous for once and i've done a million of these things! Except then I had my voice! I'm sick....but what's new?

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*i am lead soloist for my choir

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: I used to do almost every solo at my old school, but when I moved to the new school....they don't do a single solo!

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: oh lol

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: Oh! Did you hear? I got a new kitty, but I thought it was dead when it went missing, but I found the thing again! He's so cute too...he chases my shoelaces^^

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: yea i heard

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: come news about me gets around so fast??? I can't keep ANYTHING from any of you!

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: cause you told me ^^'

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: I just found that out.....^^ I have been gone for a while...I forgot

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: So where are we going?

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: dont know

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: hmmm? *sleepyness*

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: lol yea

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *sits down*

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: *yawns*

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *wants to curl up in a ball, but is not allowed* I can't wait until this is all over

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: heh yea

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *smiles at Akira*

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles*

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: So anything else new?

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: no...

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: well....intresting.....

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: heh no

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: i was being sarcastic!

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: :P

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: :P again

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: yup

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: ^^

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *tickles you and runs away*

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*hey no fair

2005-03-17 [*~Sora~*]: *laughs and continues to run away knowing you would get her*

2005-03-17 [Acidic Khemica]: -.- you are going to get it*runs after her*

2005-03-18 [Earoluim]: *Watches them run across the feilds*

2005-03-18 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*

2005-03-18 [*~Sora~*]: *laughs and runs*

2005-03-19 [eyes of frost]: -yawns- dont hurt yourselves...

2005-03-19 [Acidic Khemica]: 00and why would i do something like that?

2005-03-19 [*~Sora~*]: *laughs* don't hurt myself? too late for that one Rachel! I fell down concrete steps today and a paramedic happened to be there so he took care of me....but nothing can stop me now, I was up and playing tag in a few hours! ^^ *continues to run from Akira*

2005-03-19 [Acidic Khemica]: .....

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: ????what? I'm a clutz....I know....

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: ^^

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: ^^lol

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: it's not fair...i'm grounded! I'm not allowed to run around because i'm hurt! >.< *isn't happy with Rei for grounding her until she gets better*

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles*

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: what? Don't tell me you think I need to rest too.....

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: no

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: ...good it's getting so annoying! Everyone's always messing with me and confusing me. I just want to be normal! normalness...I used to be normal, what the heck happened?

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: we all did

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: ...yeah...*sighs* that's over with i'll never be normal again, but it's okay, I like belonging with you

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles*

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: *hugs*

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles and hugs*

2005-03-24 [*~Sora~*]: ((be back in a bit I have to do my chores!))

2005-03-24 [Acidic Khemica]: ((okay))

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: that was a while ago...hmmm...

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: haha yeah *laughs and tackles sora playfully*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *tickles her mother to get her off and sits up smiling* it always works!

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: hey! *playfully grabs sora and tickles her*not this time

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: eeep! *tries to squirm away* ahhhh! help help help! My evil mother is tickling me to death! *laughs being very ticklish*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs and puts her down*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *breathes from laughing so hard* geez...

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*you are so easy

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: well, I can't get away!...

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: that is the point ^_^

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: :P evil mother

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: yeah i know *smirks*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *sits down and wraps herself around your leg giggling*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0*laughs*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: hehehe! I used to do this all the time...then I got to big, but now i'm little again! :P

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: oh great*tries to walk*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *smiles and holds on* weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! fun!

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: -.-

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *looks at you and laughs*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: that isnt funny ^_^'

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *nods* :P you are stong mommy, you can lift me up!

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *laughs*well no duh *she laughs and picks sora up*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *giggles and hugs her mommy*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles and hugs her*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *plays with her mother's hair smiling*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles and hugs her while holding her*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *lays her head on her*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles and pats her back*

2005-04-03 [*~Sora~*]: *smiles at her mommy*

2005-04-03 [Acidic Khemica]: *smiles*

2005-04-06 [manifest in darkness]: this place sucks ass.....join Necromancy@wiki.

2005-04-06 [eyes of frost]: Justin please dont come here being rude to someones wiki.

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: yeah that's ya know....mean and...rude, like she said! *decides to shut up*

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: ....

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: hello Akira!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: ello

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: *sighs* today is very uneventful....a boring normal day....

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: yeah

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: ...and to think, i'm never happy! I complain when something happens I complain when nothing does...I complain because i'm normal and now I complain because i'm different, I complain because my tummy hurts and when Rei is ready to help I complain about that too because I get nervous! Geez! I am the pickiest person ever!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: I AM picky aren't I? I am SO picky! Why can't I just accept things? huh? Geez, i'm like the most stubborn child ever! In the history of FOREVER!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0 odd

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: *shakes you* answer please!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: i cant to tired homework killing me.....*mindless zombie*

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: I picky and stubborn? Not a hard question!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: um...sometimes

2005-04-06 [*~Sora~*]: no no no...all the time, i'm always complaining or getting into trouble!

2005-04-06 [Acidic Khemica]: okay

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: you know I never really "joined" this I going to die? 0.0!

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: i didnt either

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: Rachel's going to kill us! *sobs*

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: o.0 i dont really think she would

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: her mood says she will! *pouts*

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: :( *tear* it's not funny! How can you laugh when she is going to kill us!?!?!

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: she isnt!

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: yeah she IS her mood said that if we didn't join we would die! :( :( :( :( :( :( :( <---sora's sad face army

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: -.-

2005-04-07 [crimson_moon13]: the only people who die are those without an open mind

2005-04-07 [crimson_moon13]: hi iam jessica

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: *lokks at the newcomer for a good minute or two then screams and hides behind her mother* STRANGER STRANGER STRANGER! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: *looks at sora and sighs*not again....*looks at jessica*hello i am Akira well that isnt my real name but most people call me that and the one hiding behind me is sora -.-

2005-04-07 [crimson_moon13]: hello to you both i havent seen you in the rpg why not?

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: um we arent members...yet

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: *hears her name being called and jumps onto Akira's back covering her mouth* don't you know you are not supposed to talk to strangers?

2005-04-07 [Acidic Khemica]: *pulls sora off of her*sora..-.-

2005-04-07 [crimson_moon13]: *laughing* i am a good stranger do you wish to become members?

2005-04-07 [*~Sora~*]: she could be a bad person trying to kill us mommy! *clings to her mother*

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